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Science first.
Storytelling always.
3 juil. 20233 min de lecture
Getting to net-zero: the power of storytelling
We’ve been doing it wrong for years COP 26 had just started as I wrote this article through the night. I feel hopeful because there is a...
3 juil. 20233 min de lecture
Making science heard is more than shouting numbers
Stories are what people take home. Emotions are what stick with people. “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will...
3 juil. 20231 min de lecture
Réimaginer. Réinventer. Réécrire. - Fresque des Nouveaux Récits
Construire notre future durable ça passe par l'imagination, l'invention et la narration ➡️ La carboneutralité n'arrivera pas en claquant...
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